March 16, 2009

Advocate for Recycling!

According to the Deseret News in 2008 Utah recycled just 2.7% of the 24 million tons of trash created! But here's the twist, 87% of Utahans participating in a survey conducted by The Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste said that they thought recycling was important. And 89% thought that their cities should have a recycling program. So why with all this support of recycling is Utah only re-using 2.7% of the trash? Because most communities do not make recycling programs easily available!
If we think that recycling is so important then lets tell someone about it. Advocate! Talk to your community leaders, to your neighbors, even to your family. Let people know that recycling is an important issue to you and that something needs to be done to make it accessible to you. According to the survey recycling is important to the majority of Utah residents, so if everyone speaks up how can you be ignored?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What are the best ways to advocate? Writing to senators? writing your city council? Because they do offer recycling bins for a price, but would writing to a senator really change people's habits?

  3. It is interesting that people want clean streets and clean atmosphere but do not want to do anything about it. I know no one wants to hear this but if you want the luxury of a clean earth you need to invest into it. we definitely need to increase our budget towards the environment.
