Recycling is infectious. When one person in a neighborhood starts recycling it usually catches on. One important way to change the policies Utah has towards recycling is to help the younger generation become more friendly to recycling.

This can be done by teaching your children to recycle at home, or supporting recycling programs at local schools.
Cartridges for Kids (CFK) is a recycling company that pays schools and non-profit organizations for recycling. They are currently running a "Spring has Sprung" activity where for each item a child brings in to recycle the get to "plant" a paper flower on their classroom wall. This is fun for children because they not only get to decorate with bright flowers everywhere, but it also allows them to see how much of what they use can be recycled. This program helps the children to understand that they can make a difference when they recycle. To find out more about how to set up a recycling program at your local school visit the
Green Choices Utah website.

Another great resource I found for helping children to get involved in recycling is a book called "Why Should I Recycle?" by Jen Green. This book it distributed by Scholastic Books and explains the fundamentals of recycling at the level of a child. In the back of the book, discussion questions are also listed for parents to talk with their children about recycling.
Also, just a reminder that Earth Day 2009 is coming up on April 22nd. This is a great time to start a new commitment to recycling. Visit
EarthDayNetwork to find out more about the campaign for the 2009 Earth Day. It is good to recognize the importance of recycling on Earth Day, but the best thing that can be done is to carry the Earth Day values throughout the whole year.
I like how you're promoting a book that was written to get kids interested in recycling. If they develop these types of habits at a young age, we know they are more likely to stay with them as adults. Save the planet!